Category Archives: History

Robert Zoller, Picatrix, and Astrological Talismans since 2002

One day I’ll write about my studies with Robert Zoller as a young astrologer in the early 1990s (about 1992-1994), regularly going 2x/month to Zoller’s Upper East Side apartment in Manhattan for evening small group lessons. In addition to group classes, I took regular private lessons with Rob in Medieval Alchemy, Astrological Magick, and Occult and Perennial Philosophy. I remember

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Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Convergence 2020

An excerpt from the Global Transformation Astrology webinar on October 3, 2019. Transcript edited for print. So we have here this conjunction I talked about, the 1285 conjunction that heralded the beginning of the end of the medieval age and the end of the Chinese and Mongol empires that were expanding — the sudden and unexpected collapse of those empires

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Thanksgiving Day in America

In America, Thanksgiving has traditionally been a celebration of the blessings of the year, including the harvest. The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated by the early settlers of the Plymouth Plantation, an English colonial venture in North America in present-day Plymouth from 1620 to 1691 after their first harvest in 1621. In Britain, the Harvest Festival, a carryover from paganism,

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Midsummer 2019

Midsummer is the period of time centered upon the Summer Solstice, when the Sun completes its northbound journey in the sky and appears to stop in its tracks (for 3 days) relative to Earth, and more specifically the cultural celebrations that accompany the actual solstice between June 20 and June 24, for it marks the longest day of the year. During

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