Trump vs. Cruz: GOP Nomination

Even though Donald Trump has been dominating the polls over the past several weeks, many establishment conservatives and pundits still insist that either Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz will end up winning the GOP nomination.  However, the predictions markets (what Vegas oddsmakers use to bet on the outcomes of political contest) state Donald Trump odds at 63% for winning, and GOP conservative candidate Senator Ted Cruz at a modest 14% chance respectively. Therefore, the billionaire real-estate mogul is the clear “house favorite” to win.

What has being transpiring on the GOP campaign trail and in the polls is coming to pass, based on the forecast of a horary that was cast in mid-December, to serve as a working example of political contest horary for the students who participated in my class.

Trump vs. Cruz GOP Nomination Horary Chart


At the time, the question was asked it was widely believed by political pundits that Cruz would quickly cut down Trump’s growing lead in the polls. However, according to Vegas odds-makers, Trump was heavily favored to win over Cruz and was the “House Favorite” and, therefore, allocated the 1st House.  Cruz, “the Underdog” would be allocated the 7th House.  The 10th House would rule the prize (The GOP Nomination), and the Moon would be the GOP voters that would participate in the contest.

In the horary figure Virgo is rising.  Mercury rules Virgo by dignity and exaltation and therefore rules the Trump campaign.  Mercury is peregrine, fast moving, and strongly place in the 4th House applying to Neptune by sextile followed by a conjunction with Pluto. Testimonies that augur that Trump will REMAIN the clear frontrunner and continue to run an unorthodox campaign and make untraditional moves that only expand his support throughout the primaries, despite every effort by the establishment and mainstream media to take him out of the running.

Pisces is on the 7th House Cusp, therefore Jupiter rules the Cruz campaign.  Jupiter is strongly place in the 1st House and applying to the benefic North Node.  The Moon also makes a benefic trine to Jupiter — a horary testimony that illustrates Cruz has the political charm and astute conservative image of a potential frontrunner with well-funded establishment connections.  However, Jupiter is in the sign of his Fall and slow in motion, and conjunct the Ascendant (Inside the cusp) — testimonies that augur that the Cruz campaign will be vastly overwhelmed by Trump.  Also, with the malefic South Node in Cruz’s 7th House we can expect his poll numbers to steadily to decline leading to each successive primary contest.

Mercury rules both the 1st House of the Trump campaign and the 10th House of the GOP Nominee prize, indicating his campaign to win.  Also, the Moon (ruler of the voters) is in Capricorn, strongly place in the 4th House and making its first aspect to Mercury — a powerful testimony that augurs unprecedented voter turnout for Trump that would bring a decisive set of victories in the early primary states.

Prediction: Based on the horary testimonies, it is highly probable that Trump will win both Iowa and New Hampshire, and then go on to win South Carolina and Nevada — as he is favored to do — and likely  conceivably win every contest.



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